Hit the Pass

Sports games of today, yesterday and tomorrow

The Recording Room

Press Row Podcast – A Tale of Two Basketball Games

By on @richgrisham

These are fascinating times in the sports game world, with no better illustration of changing consumer behaviors and new business models than the battle between NBA 2K16 and NBA Live 16. The tales of these two games – the dizzying sales success of 2K versus the allegedly dismal failure of Live to capture attention – provide an interesting view into how sports games are now made, marketed, and distributed. Cicero Holmes, Kahlief Adams, and Bryan Wiedey join Rich Grisham to discuss these wildly varying situations.

Joining us this week
Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre/Hit The Pass/Sporting News (@pastapadre)
Cicero Holmes, Spawn On Me (@StubbyStan)
Kahlief Adams, Spawn On Me (@Kahjahkins)
Rich Grisham, Hit The Pass/Sporting News (@richgrisham)

A tale of two basketball games

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